OLSON VISUAL rolled out the Holiday Red Carpet for their valued Clients on December 9 at Yamashiro’s in Hollywood for their annual End Of Year Cocktail Party. Good food, drink and fun conversation took center stage as our Clients got a much deserved diversion from work. Rick, Dan and Tom Olson, along with their entire OLSON VISUAL Team wish all their Client Friends the HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS!
Rick Olson with Rafa and Andrea Ocampo
Kelly Olson, Reynee Scofield from Paramount, Paula Avalos, Jen Olson, and Veronica Quintero
Vic Garcia from Open Road Films, Blanca & Mark Bastian, Paula Avalos, and Ron Chan
Mark Bastian, Reynee Schofield of Paramount, and Rick Olson
Brian Ramirez, Eder Cetina, Paul Wehby from LACMA, and Tiffany Trenda
The Olson Visual Team