Olson Visual works on Roger Deakins: Persistent Vision at AMC Century City 15, a unique installation with double sided graphics. One side had backlit and the other side had mounted graphics. It also used Olson Visual’s T3 system to create a temporary triangular structure. This installation shows how versatile Olson Visual products are.
Roger Deakins is an international established cinematographer with more then nine Academy nominations. He is considered a master of his craft with accolades including: Lifetime Achievement Award and the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC). Some of the frame shots used were from No Country for Old Men, Skyfall, Unbroken, The Shawshank Redemption, The Assassination of Jesse James, and other productions.
Brad Pitt, Josh Brolin, Haskell Wexler, ASC, Joel and Ethan Coen were in attendance for the opening reception.
The exhibit is on view until January 8, 2015.