Olson Visual printed these amazing graphics for the controversial movie, 50 Shades of Grey. This includes a billboard at the famed Cinerama Dome in Hollywood and a marquee at the Grove Pacific Theatres. They also installed a marquee at the Bruin Theatre and the Los Feliz Movie house on upper Vermont Avenue. Lastly, OV created a nice wall graphic at the Edward Cinemas in Irvine. Check out these images.
50 Shades of Grey is a romance film based off the 2011 novel by British author E.L. James. It is one of many books in a trilogy about a college graduate, Anastasia Steele who meets business tycoon Christian Grey. They begin an erotic relationship of sadism/masochism. Some say that it glorified abusive relationships and banned it from entering the bookshelves of certain libraries. Others appraised it, making it a hit novel of it’s time. 50 Shades of Grey is currently playing in select theatres.