Aquaman is the sixth installment of the DC Extended Universe and is directed by James Wan. Jason Momoa is the main character and stars alongside Willem Dafoe, Amber Heard, and Nicole Kidman. The plot entails Arthur Curry (Aquaman) is the heir to Atlantis, an underwater kingdom. He must lead his tribe against his own brother, Orm.
The pre-production started in 2004 but plans fell through. There was a screenplay written in October 2014 but wasn’t solidified until 2016. The cast wasn’t signed until later that year and photography started in Australia on May 2, 2017. It was also filmed later in Italy, Morocco, and Canada. The film is scheduled to be released on December 21, 2018 in Dolby Cinema, RealD 3D, and IMAX 3D.
Olson Visual has already created many graphics for this film including amazing backlit graphics using their well-known T3 System. Check out our images of the work we have done this year of Aquaman.