Neighbors was a film with a lead cast including: Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, and Rose Byrne. It’s a comedy about a young family who has a fraternity move in next door and causes all sorts of problems. I saw this funny film and was entertained. One of my favorite parts was when the “brothers” had a Robert Deniro themed party. They reenacted such films as Taxi Driver. It was a different role for Zac Effron, a departing from his usual teen love stories. It was fresh to see him play a villian and he played it well! It wasn’t the funniest movie I have seen but it had some great laughs.
OV’s visuals were proudly displayed in multiple theatres including: The Village, Pacific Theatre Glendale, The Grove, Los Feliz, Edwards Valencia, Irvine RPX theatres, and Burbank. They are just an amazing example of how Olson Visual can do just about anything when it comes to graphics. There were marquees, banners, window graphics, and wall graphics. From smaller spaces to larger places, OV created some brilliant work. Check out these photos!