Alita: Battle Angel is a cyberpunk movie directed by Robert Rodriquez and produced by Titanic’s James Cameron. The film is based off the Japanese manga Gunnm by Yukito Kisniro and stars Jennifer Connelly, Ed Skrein, Christoph Waltz, and Mahershala Ali. The production took awhile. Guillermo del Toro brought up the idea to Cameron who wanted to direct the project. It took years changing hands of who was to direct the picture as Cameron had started working on Avatar. Alfonso Cuaron was one but it landed finally on October of 2015 with Rodriquez. It became the highest grossing film of the director. Casting for the main part was also in conflict as three actresses were considered including Maika Monroe and Zendaya. It was Rosa Salazar as the final selection. The film finally premiered in January of 2019 and ended up grossing $85.7 million in the United States and Canada, and over 400 million world-wide. Unfortunately, the budget was $170 million. The critics claimed it was mediocre with some negative thoughts on the screenplay.
The cyberpunk film did get praise for its special effects and it’s ties to the original manga series. In one clip, Alita in the film says, “You told me the story of the war when the ground shook and the sky burned. Of the ones that survived who awoke to a differed world, where the powerful can prey on the weak. But that’s not the way it has to be.”
Olson Visual, one of the leading graphics for Los Angeles, created numerous graphics for the film including at the premiere. Check out these images of our work including: marquees, T3 backlit, banners, and prop and display graphics.