Ghost in the Shell is a film based off the Japanese manga by Masamune Shirow. It is directed by Rupert Sanders and stars Michael Pitt, Juliette Binoche, and Scarlett Johansson. The movie takes place in the future where the line between robots and human are blurred. It primarily follows Major, played by Johansson. She years to learn about her past.
The film premiered in Tokyo and was released in the U.S. on March 31, 2017. It received mixed reviews and had a backlash prior to it’s release. Unfortunately, many fans of the original animation felt that Johansson did not fit the part and should be played by a Japanese actress. This was considered whitewashing and wasn’t considered true to the intention of the original by Shirow. The film grossed $169 million from a $110 million budget.
Olson Visual worked on many projects of the movie. This included: backlit graphics, marquee, column wrap, banners, escalator graphics, and prop and display. Check out these images of the work they completed.