The Olson Visual FTP site can be accessed with any Web Browser by following the link http://ftp.olsonvisual.net. There is limited upload-only access with the user name: guest, and the password: olson. Both username and password are case sensitive. There is no anonymous user access, so clients cannot connect with the Mac OS Finder or Windows Explorer. The FTP site can also be accessed directly with an ftp client such as Fetch on Mac OS or CoreFTP for Windows at ftp://ftp.olsonvisual.net.
New Web Feature: Ater logging in, all FTP users will need to enter a name and email address before uploading any files; guest users will also have to enter a telephone number. There is also an optional text box for any other information.
Guests cannot view or download files, create folders, or overwrite existing files. If you need to resubmit a file as a guest, you must rename it before doing so. If a guest attempts to upload a file that already exists on the server, the file will begin to upload, but will not complete. A dialog box appears: “Permission Denied: You cannot overwrite an existing file”. If this happens, rename the file on your computer, and resubmit the new file. When complete, there will be a dialog box that says: “The File Has Been Successfully Sent”. Please use the Logout button before closing the browser window, an email will be automatically sent out to an Olson Visual Account Manager informing them of the uploaded file and the upload form info.
Contact your Account Manager to obtain a unique username for full client access. Clients can view all files in their own home folder. Clients can also create or delete sub-folders, and can overwrite, delete or download any file in their home folder.
When uploading files, use only web safe file formats: .pdf .tiff .jpg .zip or .sit
Please do not upload these file types: .psd .ai .indd .qxd .eps or any type of font.
These file types must be zipped or stuffed before uploading. Fonts and eps files often get corrupted through ftp transfer and will be unusable. Plus, they will be much smaller when compressed and transfer that much quicker.
Also remember that ftp stands for file transfer protocol, so a folder that has a Quark or InDesign doc, Photoshop and Illustrator links, and Screen and Printer fonts must be compressed into a single file (Mac users can right or control click on the folder and choose “Create Archive” from the drop-down menu) and then uploaded. This will save you uploading time, and ensure that we will have usable files.