Olson Visual is not only known for their amazing wall graphics and murals, but they can also do some incredible column wraps. They provide them on most surfaces and shapes. Normally, you can find them on simple round or square wraps but here, you can see that it is a different kind of shape. Perhaps, only a master in black belt can perform this!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat out at the box office Galaxy of the Guardians. The movie is a remake of the famous movies from the 1990 version. All the characters are revamped in CGI animation rather then using puppeteers as in the earlier film. The 90s movie had actors in foam and latex suits but they were created by the late Jim Henson. The faces were controlled by robotics operated off- screen. This time there is little time to develop the characters or the story but it is far more action-packed. Instead of wrestling a street gang, they are fighting against a usual independent villian.
We’ll see how children will react to this but so far it has surpassed all the movies at the box office.